Scott Plaster is Featured Artist of the Week in the Community Arts Cafe Magazine | |
"In Pursuit of the Cosmic Cow" |
This blog promotes the art of whimsical artist Scott Plaster, former leader of the Cosmic Cow Society (organization with some other whimsical artists). His line of whimsical animals and other whimsical art is exhibited from the mountains to the coast of NC, and has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and television.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Scott Plaster is Featured Artist of the Week in the Community Arts Cafe Magazine
Cosmic Cow: Cosmic Cow Society Featured in GoTriad!
Cosmic Cow Society Featured in GoTriad! by Scott Plaster - Sunday, 7 December 2008, 09:25 AM | |
Cosmic: Cosmic Cow Artist Scott Plaster Featured in Community Arts Cafe Magazine...
Cosmic Cow Artist Scott Plaster Featured in Community Arts Cafe Magazine... by Scott Plaster - Sunday, 7 December 2008, 08:47 AM | |
In Pursuit of the Cosmic Cow |
Cosmic: GoTriad Features Cosmic Cow Society ...
GoTriad Features Cosmic Cow Society ... by Scott Plaster - Sunday, 7 December 2008, 08:35 AM | |
GREENSBORO - Scott Plaster's artist eye couldn't help but notice the cow. It stood alongside the Blue Ridge Parkway, looking so out of place as cars whizzed by. Plaster snapped a photograph. Someday, he knew, he would paint that cow. He didn't know then that his whimsically-painted bovine would become the namesake of a new organization of emerging and established artists, the Cosmic Cow Society... Read the Full Story in Go Triad |
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cosmic: (S)mart (T)alk about (ART) Guest Speaker Series
(S)mart (T)alk about (ART) Guest Speaker Series by Scott Plaster - Friday, 24 October 2008, 08:04 PM | |
Stay tuned for the series of art talks sponsored by the Cosmic Cow Society, to be held the second Friday of each month at the Maya Gallery on 340 Tate Street, Greensboro, NC. Click Here for the full press release and check back for more information about our first speaker. |
Cosmic: Cosmic Cow Society OPENING SHOW
Cosmic Cow Society OPENING SHOW by Scott Plaster - Friday, 24 October 2008, 08:06 PM | |
Join us for the OPENING SHOW of the Cosmic Cow Society at the Maya Gallery in December. The opening reception is Thursday, December 4 at 7 - 9 p.m. Click here for the full press release. |
Monday, August 18, 2008
Cosmic Cow: My New Home Page at
My New Home Page at by Scott Plaster - Monday, 18 August 2008, 02:15 PM | |
My New Home Page at I'm really excited to announce that my new home page is ready at I'm using this url on all of my promotional materials and so I wanted a one-stop page where people can go to access my biography, artist statement, blog, online gallery, newsletter, and contact information. I added fancy navigation buttons and put them on all of the pages so they would be tied together, and I added a Contact "feedback" so people can easily contact me without having to use e-mail. Please Check It Out and let me know what you think! (go to the Contact page and fill out the form). This is the type of page that our Cosmic Cow Society member artists can create to be "portals" for their own sites -- completely customizable and you can point your very own url web address straight to it! --Scott |
Friday, August 15, 2008
Cosmic Cow: "Crab in Space" -- Painting in Progress
"Crab in Space" -- Painting in Progress by Scott Plaster - Friday, 15 August 2008, 06:47 AM | |||
"Crab in Space" -- My Next PaintingI've decided to do another whimsical (but mean) animal. I had toyed with the idea of the title, "I'm Going to Peeeeench You," but then I noticed that the blue and white-speckled enameled lid the crab was sitting on looks like one of those original sappy outer space. This treatment would let me disembody the crab from its background a little and focus on creating some depth through different parts of its body. Here is the edited image (based on my photograph and edited in Photoshop) ready to draw on canvas:
I had to add to the image on the right-hand side by using airbrush, clone, and brush tools so I could slide the crab over the left enough for my liking. I wanted the eyes to be left of center, and the front claw to be right of center, to create a little movement. Compared with the photograph, I also rotated the crab about 10 degrees clockwise to make the image more dynamic. So far, I've created an 8"x10" printed reference then overlaid a grid to help me draw the background on canvas. I only have the claw done so far:
Wish me luck on my progress! I'll keep you posted...
Links: Cosmic Cow Press Release: |
Friday, August 8, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Corrected: NEW Cosmic Cow Image Gallery
Corrected: NEW Cosmic Cow Image Gallery by Scott Plaster - Friday, 8 August 2008, 02:13 PM | |
Sorry: Previous post had incorrect link *********************************************************** Hello All, I just completed our new Flash-based online image gallery, so please take a look at our artwork with its new presentation. I apologize for you having to follow a link, but it won't display inside of an e-mail: NEW: Check out the New Cosmic Cow Society Image Gallery... |
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Feature Story: Sand Artist Dave Dandron
Feature Story: Sand Artist Dave Dandron by Scott Plaster - Wednesday, 6 August 2008, 07:54 AM | |||||||
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Scott Plaster Presents "Pelican Peeking"
Scott Plaster Presents "Pelican Peeking" by Scott Plaster - Monday, 4 August 2008, 10:31 AM | |||||
Scott Plaster Presents "Pelican Peeking"30"x40" oil on canvasThis close-up of an Eastern Brown Pelican shows off its vivid color and varied textures. The artist has always wondered what pelicans must be thinking as they sit there trying to pretend they're invisible. The rosey pink background gives this work a slight unearthly quality and ties in the rest of the colors. Textures abound, with the different types of feathers and the scumbled texture of the bone-like beak. This painting is one of the latest in the artist's line of "whimsical" animals, and this one fits right in to that theme! Click to enlarge "Pelican Peeking" is Available at the Following Galleries:
Cosmic Cow: Pelican Peeking - The Overpainting
Pelican Peeking - The Overpainting by Scott Plaster - Monday, 4 August 2008, 08:41 AM | |||||||||
Pelican Peeking - the OverpaintingAfter our Florida trip, I came back inspired to finish the Pelican:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Peeking Pelican - Steps So Far
Peeking Pelican - Steps So Far by Scott Plaster - Friday, 25 July 2008, 05:47 AM | |||||||||||||
A Painting from Start to FinishI'd like to document the stages and evolution of my current work, "Peeking Pelican."
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cosmic Cow: Painting the Pelican (at last)
Painting the Pelican (at last) by Scott Plaster - Thursday, 24 July 2008, 08:21 AM | |
This is the first post in the new forum I've created. If it works, I'll use it as my artist blog. I'm trying to start painting the Pelican today. Here's what I have so far. |